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Leading Organizational Change_Week 3 Discussion 2

Leading Organizational Change_Week 3 Discussion 2

Q Read the article “Overcome the Five Main Reasons People Resist Change (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..” After reading the article, identify three reasons for resistance to change. Which of these reasons is likely to be the most critical in your organization? As a leader, how would you overcome this type of resistance? Article Link:

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Resistance was there from every staff member once occurrence of change was learnt by them in the article named “Overcome the Five Main Reasons People Resist Change.” A hostile environment can be created when staff members deny getting involved with such changes. There were adjustments made all over the company through staff members being cut and spending cutbacks was also there. Staff members in a majority appeared to be hostile to the individual by whom change was implemented even though there was no exposure of the possible resistance prior to change implementation. The three causes for change resistance are employment security loss, fear for circumstances that are unfamiliar, diverse individuals (Quast, 2019).